Most Hated Moments

There’s a list of moments

Which I hate with all my heart

But they happen all the time

Hit my heart like a dart

1. When I keep something in a safe place

And forget where the safe place is

Is there any moment when you want to tear your hair,

More than this?

2. Enter a room dodging high mountains and deep seas

And then forget why I entered

When the thought in my brain

For 5 minutes, was centered

3. When I cut an answer and change it

And the first one turns out to be correct

I feel like I’m stranded in an ocean

With a ship that is wrecked

4. When my best friend

Scores more than me

My soul feels empty

I feel no glee

5. When I wake up before my alarm and go to sleep

Only to wake up late

Oh the best feeling in the world

It’s just so great!

6. Realising between an argument that you are wrong

And having to decide whether to accept defeat or stand

And the other one keep rattling around

Then argues in a rap with a band

7. When I remember that I forgot something

After getting cosy in the couch

And that something was what you trained yourself to remember

Those moments hurt don’t they, ‘Ouch!’

8. When I am right about something

But have no proof

My mind swells with anger

Steam comes out of it , “POOF!”

9. When the wi fi goes off

At the time when the series is starting to be good

I wish to wreck the router

With a huge log of wood

10. When your younger sibling breaks a vase

And then cleverly puts the blame on you

You can’t even hit them then

For if you do that only god can save you!

My little corner now has 400 followers!! Thanks to every single one !

61 thoughts on “Most Hated Moments

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  1. It feels irritating when you change your answer to the wrong one from the right one. Sometimes I get so irritated with my router, I want to break it because it keeps disconnecting or sometimes doesn’t work at all.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was nodding along. This is so very relatable. I’m with you on all of these points. Not my favorite moments in life.. At all! And congratulations on making it to 400. Here’s to thousands more ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oh, these are so relatable Akshita
    and I get most irritated one correct incorrect answers and sibling ones 😂😂😂😂

    and very hearty congratulations on the 400 many many more to come 💙

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Omg!! This is the best ‘relatable moments post’ that i can relate to!! These are so truee!!
    I loved reading ever word of this!! 😍😍
    Congrats on 4hundred btw!! 🥳🥳🥳👏🏽

    Liked by 3 people

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